Mini Courses

Communication & Development Mini-Courses
For Parents & Caregivers

Your Time Is Precious. Make The Most Of It.

Figuring out how to help your child hit developmental milestones doesn’t have to be
stressful or time-consuming. 

You can complete a mini-course in about 30 minutes and gain actionable tips, tricks,
and tools that you can use right away to help your child communicate and develop optimally. 

Tantrum Translation

Tantrums are a form of communication. This mini-course helps you take the tension out of tantrums to help your child learn healthier ways to communicate.

$ 40 Lifetime Access

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Learn About Signs​

Sign language is an amazing way to communicate with your baby before they develop the skills to speak with you. This mini-course teaches you how to get your baby signing.

$ 40 Lifetime Access

Potty Training 101

Get practical tips and proven techniques to navigate potty training effortlessly – from timing and positive reinforcement to troubleshooting common challenges.

$ 40 Lifetime Access

Building Vocabulary

Core words are a strong foundation for language. This course helps you understand when and how to use core words to foster your child’s language development.

$ 40 Lifetime Access


Upcoming Courses

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Gettin' Silly With It:
The Power Of Play

Picky Eating Solved:
Eating, Isn't it Supposed to be Easy?

Sharing: When & How to Master 'My Turn'

Toys: Is the Price Tag worth the Subscription?